Our Way of Life
Jesus is the head of the Church, and we try to keep Him at the center of our Community of Grace way of life. Our way of life starts with the greatest commandment, to love God with our whole heart, soul, and strength, and the second, to love others as we love ourselves. Our way of life also seeks to fulfill the Great Commission, to make disciples of Jesus among all nations. God is calling our community to a way of life built around practices that center us in God as disciples of Jesus, and practices that send us into the lives of others to make disciples of Jesus.
1. Be Present to God
Practice listening in prayer and a lifestyle of worship
We engage God during undistracted times of prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit with our Bibles open to discern what He is saying to us so that every area of life can be an act of worship.
2. Be Present to Others
Practice hospitality and listening to one another
As we engage God, He will send us outward toward others. Our community groups provide time and space to be present to one another in an environment that also welcomes outsiders.
3. Present Christ as You Go
Practice the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit so the life of Christ flows through us
God’s intention is that we would reflect Christ as we practice His word (not be hearers only). A “triad” (three or four people) is a more intimate and direct check-in about how we are learning and reflecting Christ as we practice the Word through our week.
4. Present Ourselves in Service to Others
Practice good works and building others up
Every believer has been given spiritual gifts from God for building up one another and serving others through loving works done in Jesus’ name. Making disciples includes providing opportunities to discover and use their gifts in the church and in service to the community around us.
Like branches rooted in the vine and extending out to bear fruit, our life is centered in Christ and bears fruit as He sends us into the world. A Community of Grace way of life is like the trellis on which our fruitful lives grow as the life of Christ flows in and through us. What are some ways you will practice this way of life this week?